287 Accessory Q. How much the distance of Social Distance level of DV-1304? 2022-11-10

A. For example, assuming that the height of detected object as human is 1.7m.

The distance by level is as follows.


Level 1 : 0.7m

Level 2 : 1.4m

Level 3 : 2m

Level 4 : 2.7m

Level 5 : 3.4m

286 Accessory Q. I can't change the IP address of DV-1304 AI BOX thorugh the INIT 2022-11-10

A. User can change the IP address if the DV-1304 have never registered to the NVR before.

If user wants to change it, please do factory reset and then change the IP address.


To support DIP 1.0 cameras, here are supported functions in INIT

1. Setup : IP address setup

2. Reset : Soft, Factory

3. Management : Upgrade, System log

285 Software Q. How many NVRs can be registered to the Mobile App ? 2022-11-10

A. There is no specific limitation, Our LAB tested registration upto 4000 NVRs.

284 Software Q. There is no change in Device Name in the IDIS Center 2022-11-10

A. The IDIS Center manages device names if the Device Name Sync is unticked.

In this case, even if user changes the device name, IDIS Center shows the existing device name.


"Setup > Double Click the Device > Edit Device > Tick/Untick Device Name Sync"



283 Camera Q. What is the WDR of Analog Camera ? 2022-11-10

1. Frame mode : It is a "Multi-Exposure Control" synthesis method.

It is to generate 1 image by synthesizing image information taken by Short Exposure and Long Exposure


2. Line mode : It is a method of ouputting data of 3 frames with different exposure times in line via the Line Buffer of the ISP.

It allows to maintain frame rate and initialize overlapping problems betwwen frames.

282 Video Recorder Q. Response of OSD button is too slow in 5MP 12.5fps of TVI camera 2022-11-10

A. The ADC key value entered by OSD button is read by VD Sync.

In addition, to prevent malfunction due to noise, it is operated when the input value is maintained at least 2 frames.

Thus, 12.5fps has a long interval VD Sync so, it works relateively slowly,


281 General Q. Why does the trouble shooting report have different capacity ? 2022-11-10

A. The debug information is extracted based on the time of extraction.

After first export, based on the existing file, only the new debug is extracted.


Therefore, if there is no new information, it will have same size. On the contrary, if there is new, it extract new information only.

280 Software Q. What is Device Low Bandwidth Communication on ISS ? 2022-11-10

A. It is used for seamless communication even in low bandwith network.

However,, if "Device Low Bandwidth Communication" is enabled, it is not effective in the normal network because it trys handshake communication between the device and client.


279 Accessory Q. Does DV-1304(-A) AI BOX support Onvif IP camera ? 2022-11-10

A. No. DV-1304(-A) has compatible with only IDIS Camera, not Onvif Camera.

278 Software Q. The security level of Intelligent TLS on IDIS Solution Suite 2022-11-10

A. Intelligent TLS is a level similar to TLS Very High level (Exclude Multimedia SSL).
General Exclude Multimedia SSL is used in Windows, and since it requires significant additional performance, ISS performance may be greatly reduced.
To solve this, SSL/TLS was applied according to our protocol to improve processing speed so as not to affect performance.

277 Software Q. ISS license registration modes and how they work 2022-11-09


1. Online Mode : Initial access to the License Server once, then no need to connect it. After Verificatioin the License Key, internet is not required.


2. Offline Mode :  Input the key without Internet.


3. Cloud Mode : It has to keep opening internet access, because Admin service keeps connection to the license server every day. limited time is 24 hours. If the network is disconnected and flows without recover it, ISS services goes out (Status : Demo Expired) if the ISS service restarts. 

276 Camera Q. How to do factory reset of DC-T4516WRX-A without INIT program 2022-11-09

A. Please refer to the image.

Other bullet camera also has factory reset button inside.


275 Accessory Q. How many setup pages I have to go through to use a network keyboard on IDIS Solution Suite? 2022-11-09

A. In general set up should be done on 3 sides to use a network keyboard.

1. Keyboard local side: Register server 
2. ISS setup side: Register a network keyboard at Device tab
3. ISS Client setup side: Turn on 'Use Network Keyboard' option

274 General Q. What is CGNAT and how would this impact on FEN service ? 2022-11-09

A. CGNAT means Carrier-grade NAT and this is used a solution for IP address exhaustion. Lots of Internet Service Providers(ISP) implementing this device in there network infrastructure.
This could impact on the stability of FEN connection on your client devices. In this case, call local ISP and ask them opt-out from CGNAT pool.

273 General Q. What is the FEN relay Server ? 2022-11-08

A. FEN relay server is a server that relays data from IDIS device to client software.

This often can overcome a limitation caused by complex network infrastructure.

However, additional configuration and decision have to made by customers.