One Solution. One Company. | IDIS


198 Software Q. What is the maximum number of Live tap on IDIS client software? 2021-11-02

1. IDIS Center(64 Bit): 4

2. IDIS Soultion Suite(64 Bit): 6 

197 Video Recorder Q. How does rebuilding process of IR-300 work? 2021-11-02

It is done auto matically, when the faulty HDD is replaced. Please note that HDD bay should be the same and the replacement HDD should be compatible with IR-300

196 General Q. Correlation among Panic recording, Recording, HDD capacity 2021-11-02

They have nothingto do with HDD capacity, Recording ratio, HDD overwrite. Recording priorities are related to recording quality.

1. Event when full-time recording : Event recording quality

2. Panic recording when full-time recording : Panic recording quality

3. Panic recording when event-recording : Panic recording quality

4. Event when Panic recording : Panic recording quality


> There is no option to overwrite 'Panic Recording' at the end. Use 'Recording data protection' function.



195 General Q. IDIS Fisheye camera projection methods 2021-11-02

There are "Stereographic", "Equidistant", "Orthogonal" projections generally.

IDIS Camera :

1. Panoramic Fisheye : Stereographic

2. Normal Lens : Equidstant


-DC-Y1514W : Equidstant

-DC-Y3C14WRX : Equidstant

-NC-Y6513RX : Equidstant

-NC-Y8C13WRX : Stereographic

-DC-Y6C16WRX : Equidstant

-DC-Y6516WRX : Equidstant

194 General Q. Why is the tilt angle narrower than visible angle ? 2021-11-02

Here are two reasons :

1. To prevent diffuse reflection by top cover during night.

2. To prevent the top cover from entering the angle of view.

193 General Q. When using FEN, why is there a difference in speed between port forwarding and not? 2021-11-02

If UDP is not available when accessing UDP, it will pass through 'Relay Server'. 'Relay Server' is in Korea and have capacity limitations, so, it lead to decline in speed.

When using 'Port Forwarding', it doesn't pass through 'Relay Server' and directly connected between devices.(Speed Up) 

We recommend 'Port Forwarding' when using FEN.

192 General Q. How is the Time information of video delivered? 2021-10-29

The IDIS camera stores the time information ever frame when recording.

If there is the time information delivered by RTSP, information is generated.
However, if not, the time information is generated based on the time when the RTSP frame arrives at the Client.

191 Camera Q. For IDIS, why is the camera and NVR connected only 1:1? 2021-10-29

It is premised to record when connecting the IDIS camera and NVR.

Therefore, When registering a camera in NVR, use Record Session and Watch Session. Record Session allows only one connection.

The IDIS camera has a buffer to respond to Jitter in the network, but, if more than two Record Sessios are connected, it cannot determine where to send the buffer.

190 Video Recorder Q. About Setup -> Display -> Main Monitor Sequence 2021-10-29

1. Full Sequence mode : All Channels will be switched to selected division-screen.

2. Camera Sequence mode : The selected division-screen is the reference and only one screen at the bottom(the last ch) will be switched.

189 Video Recorder Q. Is there any power-supply limitation to each port of recorder? 2021-10-29

There are no limitations or differences in each port.

188 General Q. Data overwrite when 'Panic recording' -> 'Timelapse' 2021-10-29

Yes, If HDD is full, it overwrites timelapse data on panic recording data. 

However, Panic recording data can be maintained by using 'recording data protection' function.

187 General Q. 'Panic Recording' records forever in 'No Limit' 2021-10-29

Yes records forever. However, if overwrite is off, it stops panic recording when HDD is full.

186 General Q. Search only event recording data 2021-10-29

Q. Example : 

1. 09:00 ~ 21:00 : timelapse recording

2. 21:00 ~ 09:00 : event recording

In this case, is it possible to search only event recording when search 9/1 00:00:00 ~ 9/30 24:00:00 ?


A. Event log must remain when event is set in the recorder whether it is set 'Timalapse recording' or 'Event recording' or 'No recording'.

Therefore, Search for daily time zones by specifying Scope in Event Search.



185 General Q. SAVM(Self Adjusting Video Mode) in 3rd party camera 2021-10-29

SAVM function is only for IDIS cameras, not 3rd party camera.

Camera supports SAVM and NVR just accesses camera to use SAVM.

184 General Q. Can I change the audio recording codec in TVI ? 2021-10-29

Unlike NVR, TVI recorder cannot change the audio recording codec. 

Only uses G.726(fixed).